"Be in the Know."
Videos & Reports
We invite you to learn more about Thriving Together New Paltz and the Office for Community Wellness (OCW) by watching the videos and reading the reports provided here. We will post more
information and videos as they become available.
Understanding Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation
Welcome to our 7-part series highlighting key components of the 2023 Surgeon General's report entitled, Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation. Click on the images below to learn more about the report and how the Office for Community Wellness is working to support and enhance social connection in New Paltz. Each video segment has an accompanying written document created by our Community Relations Specialist, Diane Fauci.
Opioid Overdose Prevention Video Update:
This video provides community members with an update of recent trend data provided through Ulster County's data collection methods, along with an overview of local opioid overdose prevention efforts in New Paltz through the New Paltz Opioid Overdose Prevention and Resource Team. Please reach out to Phoenix directly with any questions you may have. His contact info can be found below.
Video of the recent OCW presentation made at the Town Board meeting on September 5, 2024
This video contains the slides and actual audio file from the recent Town Board meeting held on September 5, 2024. Apologies for not knowing that the slides were not advancing during the livestream viewing; they were only advancing on the screen within the meeting room.
Annual Report - 2023
Click here to download an electronic copy of the Office for Community Wellness's Annual Report for 2023. This annual report provides a
comprehensive overview of the OCW's activities, initiatives, and history, as well as the many community partners and contributors in 2023 who offered their support in
a variety of ways.
Overview Video - 2023
Watch this informative video and to learn more about the Town of New Paltz's Office for Community Wellness (OCW), its many programs and initiatives, and the numerous community partners who work with
Phoenix Kawamoto here is New Paltz.